Here are the types of services offered :
NeoTherm Consulting supports you in your Research and Development projects
State of the art: Research of technical-scientific documentation related to a specific subject and establishment of documents constituting a state of the art on the subject,
Technical-scientific market study,
Concept proposal to solve a problem based on a state of the art,
Complete or partial support in the realization of experimental measurement campaigns: Conceptual elaboration of test bench architecture (general design, thermal loop, definition of geometric quantities, choice of heat transfer fluids/freezers, choice of technologies and auxiliaries, choice of measurement sensors and implementation rules, quality control on the metrological chain), elaboration of test protocols, analysis and processing of results obtained during test campaigns.
NeoTherm Consulting has already supported numerous research projects and is regularly entrusted with R&D missions by industrialists.

Examples of achievements
- Establishment of a state of the art on heat transfer phenomena in sub-atmospheric condensation
- Writing of the specifications
- Definition of the test bench system architecture
- Definition and choice of heat production and dissipation equipment
- Definition and choice of the metrology
- Definition of experimental plans
- Calibration phase and verification protocol of the repeatability of measurements
- Analysis of measurement data
- State of the art technical-scientific and patent analysis
- Proposals of concepts and profiles of tubes for the improvement of the thermal performances of the concerned equipments
- Preliminary validation of the concepts by calculations
- Argument supporting the proposals of new concepts/profiles
- Identification of processes and their technical, regulatory and economic constraints
- Identification of market players (solution providers and demand)
- Description and analysis of competing and emerging products
- Analysis of the market evolution
- Analysis of competitors (key figures of companies on the said market)
- Technical evolution perspectives of the field
- Meeting with the actors requesting solutions
- Elaboration of questionnaires to the said actors
- Analysis report including recommendations
- Analysis of the specifications
- Proposal of concepts
- Thermal-hydraulic calculations for the pre-sizing of equipment
- Proposal of suppliers able to manufacture concepts